RFS Logo Blue Mountains Group Support Brigade - Password Management

This page is for current BMGSB members to reset their password for access to the Members' Area of the Brigade website.

Please note that we have implemented a new update process, which may do unexpected things. Thank you for your patience.

Please enter your name and your new password (twice). The name you enter must be the logon name you used previously (your real name, capitalised correctly). Your new password must be at least 6 characters long and include at least one letter and one digit. Only alphanumeric characters are allowed (A-Z, a-z, 0-9). (Hint: if you're stuck for ideas, think of numberplates.) The alphabetic part is case sensitive, so "abc123" is not the same as "ABC123".

Repeat password

When you click 'Set new password', be patient. The update process may take a few seconds.